A downloadable game

Retro Invaders is a small experimental project for the Playdate. It's my first project on the platform and has served as a test bed for learning the C API and creating my own dev framework with a view to writing more stuff for this excellent little device.

It's a fully playable version of Space Invaders with simple power ups and increasing difficulty. The game is free to download and quite fun to play.


RetroInvaders.pdx.zip 8.9 MB


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very good

Thank you

Have side loaded this and looking forward to giving it a try a bit later tonight :D I’ve only made a couple of simple games in Pulp but it’s a really fun system to develop for. 

Had time for a few goes and this is great! Managed 2660 and reached level 4 (I think) so a long way to go to reach 10!

Going for the power ups makes all the difference when it comes to clearing the enemy waves, and they all offer different, useful advantages  

Love the recoil animation when you shoot and the pixel shatter effect when you get hit. Really looking forward to whatever you come up with next for the Playdate :)


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Yeh the Playdate is an awesome piece of kit and lovely to develop for. The restrictions you have just seem to make it more fun.