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This is absolutely incredible. The attention to detail shows a lot of love. And its haaard!! Digging me graph paper out to make a map. Not done that in a lot of years! :) Thank you.

Thanks, a lot of love certainly went into it. Knowing the map is key to being successful in the game. Good luck, I would love to see any maps you do create.

(1 edit)

Congratulations for this amazing work.

What about a linux/arm/RaspberryPi version ???

(I think that "RasPi" has the philosophy of ancient 8bit microcomputers)

Thanks, glad to hear you like it. One day I'll have a tinker with other Linux versions, just got too much other stuff going on at the moment :o)

Can't get the executable to even launch on Manjaro (Vulcan 23.1.3), but I've been playing Undrium on the same system just fine. Am I missing something?


That's odd. Melkhior's uses a slightly earlier version of Monogame. It uses 3.8.0, whereas Undrium uses 3.8.1. Perhaps it's something to do with that. I'll look into it when I have some time.

Doesn't install on Linux Mint 21.2 after following the instructions for Linux Portable. Can this game be put on Flathub?

Possibly, I'll take a look at the Flathub documentation. I'd never heard of it until you mentioned it.

Or / and Snap:


(2 edits)

I tried it on LinuxMint 21.3 and wouldn't work, then I added the game to Lutris (a linux game launcher for all sort of games) and it worked.

Never heard of Lutris but tried it and, yep, it works. Thanks for that.

The problem, for me, was the absence of a library. If you try to run the game via terminal you can possibly see the error message: "No usable version of the libssl was found". I installed from terminal (sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb) and now the game work without Lutris.

Thanks for that, I might give it a go.

I'm getting constant black flickers on my Win7 with GT940MX, which renders it unplayable. I tried tinkering with various settings, nothing helps. (including turning off flash effects)

It doesn't happen in the title screen - it only happens if I actually play. Does this game uses DX11? Is there a DX9 switch?


That's odd, not a problem I've seen before. It's written using Monogame, I'm not sure which version of DX that targets, a quick search doesn't reveal much. There is no DX switch. I've just compiled an OpenGL version for Windows if you'd like to try it.  The link is

(2 edits)

Kudos, it is indeed a rendering issue, the GL build runs perfectly. (Looking closesly, I realized the DX build on my machine not only flickers but also stutters) 

I saw there's a dll named SharpDX.Direct3D11 so I assumed it's DX11, but it's just a guess, I'm not familiar with it myself....

I played a bit, pretty fun, and pretty hard! (even with Stamperlot!) I can live with not having a map whenever I want but the constant hp drain really makes me want to start up a certain "engine"... then I scroll down and see someone beating the game with all 4 characters with a hand drawn map... seems like I've been spoiled by modern game design... (though I think I'll still use "the engine" eventually...) 

Thanks for the GL build again!


Oh yeh of course, it'll be DirectX 11, I'd forgotten about the SharpDX files. Yeh it's a hard game to start with, but becoming familiar with the map makes things easier. There's also a hints and tip page at if you're getting stumped. Anyway, glad you've got it running ok now, I'll add that GL build to the download list. Have fun! :o)

Fantastic thank you so much! ;-)

Thanks! :o)

This is so cool but I'm having trouble understanding the controls. What key do you press to attack the monsters/open chests? Or are you just supposed to run away fast enough?

Just press the fire button to shoot a projectile at the monsters. The default key to fire is Z, or button A on a gamepad, but you can also redefine the keys. Press X to open chests, or button B. Again, this can be defined to a key of your choice.


I need some cheat codes  like old POKEs system.

Sorry, there are no cheats built in, gonna have to do it the hard way. :o)

In Ubuntu 23.04 I needed to modify Melkhior.runtimeconfig.json by adding 

 "System.Globalization.Invariant": true

to the configProperties (note - needs a comma to the previous line)

full file is below...


  "runtimeOptions": {

    "tfm": "netcoreapp3.1",

    "includedFrameworks": [


        "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",

        "version": "3.1.11"





      "System.Runtime.TieredCompilation": false,

      "System.Globalization.Invariant": true




works a charm - thanks

Thanks for the info. I tested the game on Ubuntu 22.04 and I didn't have to do that. I'll upgrade the OS and see if I get the same problem that you're seeing.

very good


I need this to play on my next ,is it ready to download for the next ?

No, I think it's stalled again. There's been no update on the project blog for over a year...  Melkhior’s Mansion – SpecNext Developer HQ

looks and playes great!


Thanks! Hi.


Looks slick my man. Which engine was this game made in ???


Thanks. It's my own isometric engine created using Monogame.

Sheeeshhh my man.

Hi! No ZX Spectrum version? 


Hi, no not yet. See for more info on the Specie version.

Just discovered this game from some indie game competition hosted by and had to try it myself. Really enjoyed it and have managed to clear all 4 characters now. Very satisfying drawing out my map of the mansion.

Even found a certain room in the caverns, though utterly stumped at if there's more to do there.

Anyway great game!

A hand drawn map! That's made my day, thanks for sharing it. Good to hear you've been enjoying the game so much. There is nothing more to do in that "certain room", although there is another entrance to it that you may not have found.

I've clicked the Twitch link but I don't see any video about the competition. Is it still there? here's the vod where they played it. About 20 minutes in is when they start the game. The competitors don't know what they're playing before hand so they're going in completely blind.

Today I've stumbled upon this wonderful looking game. Unfortunately I wasn't able to run in on Ubuntu 22.10 (x86 64bit, Wayland and XOrg). When I start it, it terminates with the following error:

Process terminated. Couldn't find a valid ICU package installed on the system. Set the configuration flag System.Globalization.Invariant to true if you want to run with no globalization support.

   at System.Environment.FailFast(System.String)

   at System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode.GetGlobalizationInvariantMode()

   at System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode..cctor()

   at System.Globalization.CultureData.CreateCultureWithInvariantData()

   at System.Globalization.CultureData.get_Invariant()

   at System.Globalization.CultureInfo..cctor()

   at System.StringComparer..cctor()

   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager..ctor(System.IServiceProvider)

   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game..ctor()

   at Melkhior.Main..ctor()

   at Melkhior.Program.Main()

Any ideas what library or setting could be missing? Thank you a lot!

(1 edit)

I've googled a bit and found that I can export the following variable:


When I do this and start the game, I now get the following hint:

No usable version of libssl was found

It then crashes again.

Hi Marc,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble getting Melkhior's running. I haven't tried it on Linux since it was released a year ago, I think that was on Ubuntu 20.  I've just tried it on version 22 and I can't get it to run at all, which is odd. I'll try and find some time to look into it over the next few days, I might need to rebuild it. Have to say, I'm not a Linux person, so I'm not sure how far I'll get with it.



Thank you very much! I'm not a .Net person but maybe I can help with the Linux build. Let me know 😃

(1 edit)

Is there a possibility for an Android version of this wonderful game? Specially with all these latest generation of Android-based handhelds this would be a winner! It's a fantastic couch game.

At any rate, thanks for the wonderful adaptation of Ultimate's brilliant classic.

An Android version was considered, but performance is an issue, so it wouldn't be a straight port. In all honesty, it's very unlikely to happen. Glad you're enjoying it anyway, thanks for the feedback ;o)

love that art

Thanks ;o)

Do you have plans to make the source code available?

No plans at the moment.


Am I missing something? It seemed to me as if enemy movements were completely random, which in a game with one-hit kills and limited lives is kinda insane. Isn't entire point of any platformer, isometric or not, is ability to predict timing of your enemies and obstacles so you can plan your movement? I haven't much experience with isometric platformers, but both Batman and Head Over Heels remakes had predictable and easily read enemy patterns - it was clear how to avoid them, the difficulty was in the execution (also in traps and puzzles).

The aesthetics are amazing and so is the idea, but I genuinelly cannot grasp enemy patterns.


Thanks for the feedback. It's based on Atic Atac on the ZX Spectrum, which had random movement patterns. Quite a lot of games back then had random movement, especially the Ultimate games. This is a run around exploration game, whereas Batman and HoH are puzzle solving games, so it's important for enemy positions to be predictable. In games like Atic Atac, it isn't, in my humble opinion. Hope it hasn't spoilt it too much for you, but if it's not your thing, that's cool, thanks for trying it out. ;o)


Everything inside of me as a designer yells that that's a terrible idea but I'm trying to be openminded. How do you prevent player from getting stuck in an unwinnable situation if patterns are random? It's a game with one hit kills and limited lives, and it might just downright not be your fault if you die and lose all your progress because all enemies randomly decided to surround you.

It's not what I'd personally call good game design but if your primary goal isn't to make a game that appeals to a modern audience with 'fun' but to simply make a clear homage to these games of old without concern of modern concepts of 'fairness' (which to be fair is a bit nebulous) then sure, more power to you.

I guess there's other revivals of classic isometric platform-adventures I can try, like Abbey of Crime, Naya's Quest, King Boo or Lumo.

It's probably not for me, but a lot of people in this comment section seem to love it, so good on you. 

Thanks for the feedback. If you want to discuss it further then please feel free to contact me directly. I'm not one for public debate, it never ends well. :o)

(1 edit)

I really recognized the Atic Atac design and aesthetic. But Atic Atac hasn't one-hit kills.

Not sure what you mean by one-hit kills?

That's great,Took me strainght back to 1984!!  Most excellent!

Thanks :o)

what are the controls besides arrow keys for movement.

You can redefine the control keys, or use a gamepad if you prefer.

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