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Oh happy day! :)


I think so too! :o)


Congratulations!!! A new classic is born!


Haha, cheers ;o)


Congrats on the release! Been looking forward to playing this!!! :D


Thanks Ric, enjoy.


Very excited, I have been following this project since the beginning. I am one of those people who in 1983 were lucky enough to play the original Atic Atac, which left an indelible memory in my mind. Now, at 51 years old, I will be able to feel like that child again, thanks to you. The game you have made is really amazing!


Thanks so much. Really hope you enjoy the game. We've had so much fun writing it. :o)


Woohoo! C'est arrive! \o/


Oui! C'est arrive!! :o)

Santa Claus is coming to town !

Let's cross our fingers !


Oh, yes!

... just like something is missing under the tree :(

Super crunchy and simply gorgeous! 

Thanks ;o)

Hi guys, any news? Any hope of being able to play M'sM by July?

Hi, I think we're looking around autumn time. The game is functionally complete, but there are still lots of frames of graphics to be done, and all the boring stuff to finish off, plus a lot of play testing. Hang in there, and thanks for your support ;o)

Thanks for the reply and sorry for bothering you. As a kid, I spent maybe hundreds of hours on Atic Atac. M'M seems like his worthy successor to me and I really look forward to it more than any triple A title. Can't wait ... :)

Fantastic... Any news about the release of the final version?

Thanks. Should only be a few months away now, we're about 90% done.

Great!!! Thanks for the answer, can't wait to play it. :)



(5 edits)

Simply wonderful ! I can't wait to play the final release.

As you said, this little great gem will be released as freeware and of course I'm ok with that BUT, if that can motivate you, I would pay for more games like this !

... and I loved the c64 palette, will you also add 16-bit graphics a la Head over Heels remake, a game speed option and other sound modes ? (a c64 SID chip version would be perfect)

Thanks for the comments. I'll think about a speed option, but I need to consider if that might introduce a sort of "cheat" in tricky situations. A 16-bit graphics option and alternative music aren't really feasible. It would mean asking the artist and musician to do twice the work, and they're already doing it for free :o)

(12 edits)

Thanks for your reply.  Just some more tip, if I can:

- sometimes I like to play with the "draw floors" option turned off, in that case I can't see the shadow enemies (what an amazing mine of quotes this game is). Could you give them color in this mode ?

 - if you will add an auto map please make it optional for a true retro feel because back in the good old days we hadn't such gimmicks

- what about a 4:3 ratio option ?

-  Lester seems so proud of his moustaches it would be very funny if he occasionally left them on the ground when he loses a life :)

Thanks for the suggestions, always good to get ideas.

- I'll look into the shadow option, might look a bit odd, who knows.

- The on screen map will be accessible from certain places in the game, so you don't have to use them if you don't want to.

- 4:3 ratio would mean some of the larger screens wouldn't fit on screen.

- Haven't finalised Lester's death object yet. The moustache could work.

Looks amazing, however when I run the demo I get an error "This MGFX effect was built for a different platform!" in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Effect.ReadHeader(Byte[] effectCode, Int32 index), which was ultimately called from Melkhior.Helper.GraphicsManager.Initialise(Game gameObject). I'm running Microsoft Windows 10 Pro, version 10.0.19041.  Anything I can do to make it work? Thanks!

Oh, that's odd, but thanks for mentioning it. I notice you're on a slightly later build of Windows than me. I'll do an update and see if that affects how things run here.

Well I've done the update (that was a scary one!!) and it still works ok here, I'm now on version 19042. I might need to compile a new version to get to the bottom of this issue. If you're happy to take a newer version, can you drop me an email? Contact details are in the Readme.txt file included with the distribution. Thanks ;o)

Thanks for looking into it. I found there was a problem in my system configuration that caused the game to load the wrong MonoGame.Framework.dll (i.e. not the one from the game directory). When I fix that it works perfectly. Sorry for the false alarm. Fantastic game, and love the art style! Can't wait to buy the full version. :)

Oh ok, that's an interesting one, I'll add it to my troubleshooting notes. Anyway, glad you like it. The finished version will be released as freeware, mainly due to it's affinity with Ultimate/Rare's old classics.

Outstanding. A perfect fusion of  Ultimate's  'filmation'  isometric perspective with the frantic gameplay of Aric Atac. I've already spent more hours probing and delving this gem than many of the AAA  acquired over the last few  years. Bravo!

Thanks Andy, glad you like it and appreciate the comments. We'll get it finished one day. :o)

A very enjoyable weekend spent mapping and completing that - thanks very much! I love the way the room layouts hint at a purpose for the rooms, like having the barrels more common in the basement, and the feeling of a real building. Great stuff!

Thanks and well done on completing it. Only takes about 4 minutes when you know where everything is :o)


Hi BitGlint games, i play demo today,. Very nice game (Im ZX spectrum fan). i have several tips for enhance. 

ad 1) - when you start game i need see all action buttons, because i try to jump, probably isn't possible (jump to tables for thinks on it). Is there any jumping ?
ad 2) collision box of thrown weapon is too small, when you trow sword, and go direct after it in this direction, ghosts can bite you, because sword does not hit him.  I think its bug.

Maybe sometimes it can help, when you do automatic gate navigation (when im close enough). What about auto map making ? 

In other way i like:

game play is fun, graphic is very nice, palette switching is so nice, music is nice. 


Hi Bob, thanks for the feedback, it's very much appreciated. To answer your questions...

1. There is no jumping, it's just a run around game.

2. Yes, I think there is a problem here. I'll add it to the bug list.

3. The final version will probably have an auto map feature.

Thanks again,



you are welcome. :)

This game is everything I expected and more. The first time going through the mirror made me smile like a fool. Animation, sounds, the music, it's just... perfect. It took some time to get used to the controls and I find myself liking the 90° setting best (with cursor keys). Somehow the years of training in Knight Lore and Alien 8 didn't translate here - or I'm just too old. Still, no complaints. The C64 palette is very nice and I can't decide which one I prefer. Great job and thank you!

Thanks, lovely to hear more positive feedback. It's quite different from Knight Lore and Alien 8, more running, less jumping :o)

Well, I did try to jump on the tables to pick items :/


(1 edit)

A rare treat (parden the pun), no question about it!. For a change, its made 2020 memorable for a positive reason. So looking forward to its final release, and my Spectrum Next waits patiently to process what it was designed to, and fulfill its purpose :)

Haha, now I feel like I've saved 2020!! :o

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, what can I say? Beautifully authentic, packed full of effects and surprises. A Masterpiece. Kudos to Rare for allowing this project to go ahead. This will become a treasure to the legacy of ACG, Ultimate Play the Game and Sinclar. This is a masterpiece. Dare I say it!!! The best Isometric Game ever. Slick, & Polished, fast paced and beautiful sprites and scenery, such attention to details as well. This is absolutley the greatest Crash Smash ever! Best Retro Remake Ever too.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you're enjoying it.

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